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Our Mission

Nidew is a passionate handbag design and manufacturing company established in 2018. Our mission is to create bags that are not just fashion statements, but lifelong companions. We are dedicated to offering fun and versatile designs with uncompromising quality, all at a fair price.

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Crafting Bags for Life

At Nidew, our primary goal is to design and produce handbags that become an integral part of our customers’ lives. We believe in crafting products that stand the test of time, both in terms of durability and style. Our commitment to quality ensures that each handbag tells a unique story and becomes an essential part of your everyday adventures.

Empowering Women

At Nidew, we recognize the immense potential and talent that women possess. We have made it our mission to empower women by providing them with employment opportunities, particularly focusing on housewives, single mothers, and unmarried women. By offering these women a chance to work with us, we aim to enhance their financial independence and overall quality of life. We firmly believe that when women prosper, families and communities thrive.

Nulla vitae ante in erat rutrum finibus eu vel nibh. Quisque nisi purus, cursus id tortor sed, molestie tempus nisi. Nunc id est id magna egestas elementum quis luctus lorem.

Our Vision: A Brand that Adds Value to Our Country

Our vision for Nidew Handbags is clear – we aspire to become a brand that is synonymous with quality, empowerment, and economic growth in Sri Lanka. We aim to continue innovating in our designs, expanding our product range, and providing even more employment opportunities for women. Through these efforts, we envision a future where Nidew is not just a household name but also a symbol of national pride.

Nam sit amet lorem id massa sagittis pretium non nec enim. Vestibulum libero enim, pretium sed tortor a, scelerisque commodo turpis. Aliquam vulputate odio non sapien egestas fringilla.

Parallax with
another video

More eye catching

Aliquam viverra tellus a urna facilisis bibendum.

Phasellus maximus varius
erat sed molestie.

Cras mattis finibus justo eu condimentum. Ut id metus interdum, pretium tortor et, congue turpis. Sed condimentum gravida neque, eu ultrices diam consectetur nec.

Aenean tristique
commodo gravida.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed venenatis tellus vitae dolor mattis mollis. Morbi nec placerat metus, ac aliquet felis. Suspendisse faucibus libero fringilla neque sagittis rutrum.

Phasellus ultrices rutrum
ex ut tempus.

Nulla accumsan vel ex vitae luctus. Ut eros ante, molestie id mattis et, consequat a est. Maecenas ut eros nec nisl ultricies tempor vitae eget eros.

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